
I use this website to share the nuggets of wisdom I encounter in our theological and philosophical heritage.

Who am I?

My name is Sarah Folmer.

I grew up in an environment that was ‘spiritual, but not religious’. As I got older, I began to lean more towards atheism, until I came to faith in Christ in 2017.

I am an undergraduate student in theology at the Theological University of Kampen. I minored in Eastern Orthodox theology at the Free University of Amsterdam, and completed extracurricular courses in phenomenology, analytical philosophy, and philosophical anthropology at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. I cherish a passion for Church History, especially the domain of Patristics. I am also a Fellow of the ChristenUnie, a Christian Democratic party in the Netherlands.

Who inspires me?

Among the people I admire are:

Check them out on YouTube or in print; it’s well worth your time.

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Nuggets of Wisdom from the Fathers of the Church


📚 Undergraduate in Theology & Philosophy. To get an impression of my studies, visit: https://t.co/ZPWMsiqWKn